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Thursday, October 15, 2009


When you subscribe to theoptionseller Trading Bulletin you will be looking over my shoulder as I trade options using the strategies outlined in my ebook STOCK OPTIONS: THE GREATEST WEALTH BUILDING TOOL EVER INVENTED (click here to purchase the ebook). You will get to see what trades I do and how I do them. Subscribers to the bulletin will get email messages on the days that trades are actually done together with commentaries about the trades.

The bulletins showing my completed trades may not make much sense to those who have not acquired my ebook since the trading strategy used in my trading activities is based on the system described in the manual. If you have not purchased the ebook I strongly recommend that you do so to get a good grasp of my trading system.

In addition to emailing my trading action, subscription to the trading bulletin will give you the opportunity to email me questions for further clarification and explanation of the trades. I will make every effort to answer questions within 24 to 48 hours after receiving your email.


I offer a FREE one month trial subscription to theoptionseller Trading Bulletin. As a trial subscriber you will get the same emailed trading bulletins as the regular subscribers for one whole month. After the first month your account will automatically be billed for the following months unless you cancel before the end of the free trial month.
Subscription to theoptionseller Trading Bulletin is FREE for the first month and thereafter at a low price of only $24.95 per month. You may cancel your subscription at any time, billing will immediately stop and you will not be charged for the succeeding months.


You understand and agree that only the first month’s subscription to theoptionseller trading bulletin is FREE. You will then be automatically billed for the succeeding months' subscriptions unless you cancel before the end of your anniversary month. If you cancel your subscription during or after the cycle month has started no pro-rated refund will be given. The cancellation will take effect and billing will stop with the following month’s subscription. To cancel, please send email to: or go directly to your PayPal account and do a cancellation order.

Daniel Mollat is the author and copyright owner of the ebook STOCK OPTIONS: THE GREATEST WEALTH BUILDING TOOL EVER INVENTED as well as theoptionseller trading bulletin. You may print a copy of the information contained therein for your personal use only, but you may not reproduce or distribute any of its contents to others. Use or reproduction for any other purpose is expressly prohibited by law, and may result in civil and criminal penalties. Other than as set forth above, any redistribution of the writer’s information contained therein, without his written consent, is strictly prohibited. Copying and/or electronic transmission of the writer’s materials is a violation of copyright law.

You acknowledge and agree that all information provided in the ebook is purely analytical, educational and instructional in nature, and under no circumstances is the ebook and the trading bulletin to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, or are they be to construed as recommendations to buy, hold or sell (short or otherwise) any security.

By subscribing to theoptionseller trading bulletin and/or acquiring his ebook, you acknowledge and you are fully aware that Daniel Mollat is not a registered investment adviser, stockbroker/dealer, licensed financial advisor or investment counselor and as such does not recommend or solicit to buy or sell securities. The written materials and the trading bulletins he offers are not a substitute for obtaining professional advice from a qualified person, firm or corporation for accurate and up to date information.

You understand and agree that before you make any security transactions or trades in the financial markets you should consult with an accredited professional investment advisor and/or accredited stockbroker to obtain their recommendations as well as to obtain the latest and most accurate information on stock and option data.

All opinions, instructions and information included in the ebook STOCK OPTIONS: THE GREATEST WEALTH BUILDING TOOL EVER INVENTED are based on the writer’s knowledge and experience of trading stock options and are written in good faith. No representation or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied is made, that any and/or all trading activities will result in a profitable outcome all the time. You are aware that past results are not a guarantee of future performance.

As a subscriber to theoptionseller trading bulletin you will receive messages via email regarding specific trades made by Daniel Mollat or his associates. Every effort will be made to release trades to subscribers in a timely manner after each trade is completed, nevertheless circumstances may arise that prevent early release of completed trades. You agree that you are aware of this fact and you should not rely entirely on the trading bulletins as your only means of executing your own trades. The trades and notices sent out by Daniel Mollat are provided for purposes of education and illustration about the general trading strategy discussed in the aforementioned ebook.

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Nevada in the United States of America, except those provisions of law pertaining to other jurisdictions. Any action arising from or pertaining to the use of the ebook STOCK OPTIONS: THE GREATEST WEALTH BUILDING TOOL EVER INVENTED or pertaining to the subscription agreement is only subject to the courts of Clark County in the State of Nevada.

Options involve risks and are not suitable for everyone. Prior to buying or selling options, an investor must receive a copy of “Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options”. Review this document at: Copies may be obtained from your broker, from The Options Clearing Corporation, 440 S. LaSalle Street, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60605, or by calling 1-888-OPTIONS


Please enter my subscription to theoptionseller trading bulletin. I have read the Subscription Agreement/Terms And Conditions and I accept all its provisions.

I understand I will automatically be billed the sum of $24.95 per month after the first FREE month and that I can cancel my subscription at any time. Upon cancellation all future billings will stop effective with the following month’s subscription.

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